Many people WORK hard to accumulate $1m in CPF as early as possible, but not many people LEARN & DEVELOP hard to preserve their EARNED income for as long as possible.
What's the value of a $25,000 annual earned income?
Equivalent to the annual interest (2.5%) earned from having $1m in CPF-OA account.
One of the best ROI is our earned income.
What IF, earned income = get paid for being useful? Then how useful would you want to be?
Dropping the full-time employment earned income ball which one has carried for many years is easy, but picking up a new income ball which one has hardly proven is another story…
If you have a goose that can lay golden eggs, would you not ensure its consistency and continuity?
What's in between Full-Time Employment and Full-Time Retirement?
Many options which require TIME, RESOURCES, and EXPERIMENTATION to realise it.
Just food for thought from the neverTiree.